Thank you for operating a business or starting a business in Clover! To make it easy for you, we’ve compiled all of the information needed to start a new business.
Step One
Determine the type of business that you would like to open.
- Service
- Retail
- Manufacturing
Step Two
Determine the Ownership Structure.
- Sole Proprietor
- Partnership
- Corporation
Step Three
Develop a business Plan.
Need help? Contact Carol Daly with the Winthrop Region SBDC at
Step Four
Finance your business.
Contact any of the following financial institutions that are members of the GCCC!
- Clover Community Bank
- Family Trust Federal Credit Union
Step Five
Visit the South Carolina Business One Stop site and set your business up legally.
Step Six
Determine your business location.
Visit for more information.
Step Seven
Visit the Town of Clover to apply for your zoning permit.
Before a new business can operate or a new building or dwelling can be built, the zoning classification of the proposed location must be determined. Applicants are required to complete a Zoning Permit Application. The fee is $35. Contact Cris Marine at (803) 222-9495 for more information. Original application must be obtained at Town Hall at 116 Bethel St. Here is a link to see what is required on the application Town of Clover Zoning Permit
Step Eight
Sign requirements
The Town’s zoning ordinance sets forth regulations regarding the placement, construction, replacement and enlargement of signs. New signs require a zoning permit and may possibly require a building permit. Changing or replacing the permanent copy on an existing lawful sign does not require a zoning permit. Contact Cris Marine at (803) 222-9495 for more information. Here is a link to the Town of Clover Sign Permit
Step Nine
After you’ve received your zoning permit, visit the Town of Clover to obtain your Clover Business License. All businesses and/or vendors, excluding those exempted by law, are required to obtain a business license. The business license year is from July 1 to June 30. Licenses must be renewed before July 31 to avoid penalties. Contact Sherry Lempster at (803) 222-9495 for more information regarding the Town’s Business License program. Here is the link to to the Town of Clover Business License
Step Ten
Join the Greater Clover Chamber of Commerce and schedule your ribbon cutting ceremony. Network with other business owners to discover what others are doing.
Other resources for businesses
- Catawba Council of Governments – Small Business Loans
- SC Business One Stop
- SC Works – Catawba Region
- Small Business Development Center at Winthrop University
- SC.Gov – official website of the State of South Carolina
- SC Department of Revenue – business registration, taxes, alcohol beverage licensing, etc.